A development of the historical science of Kazakhstan during the years of independence
On October 14, 2021, there was held a round table “Development of Historical Science of Kazakhstan over the years of independence”, organized by the National Archive of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Department of Source Studies, Historiography and National History of the Institute of State History of the Science Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The event was attended by the Director of the National Archives of the Republic of Kazakhstan Sagila Nurlanova, Head of the Scientific Information Department of the Institute of State History of the KN MES RK, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Zhabai Kaliev, Head of the Department of Source Studies, Historiography and National History, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Gani Karasayev, Chief Researcher of the Department source studies, historiography and national history, doctor of political sciences (Associate Professor) Maral Kaliyeva, Leading Researcher of Source Study, Historiography and National History (Associate Professor) Seitkali Duissen, Head of the Research Organization Department of the National Center of Manuscripts and Rare Books Kamshat Parimbekova, Leading Researcher of the Department of Source Study, Historiography and Russian history, candidate of historical sciences (Associate professor) Kanat Ensenov, senior researcher at the department of source study, historiography and national history, PhD doctoral student Kairken Adiet and other historians-researchers.
Speaking about research works devoted to the foreign policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan over the years of independence, their scientific significance, expediency, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Gani Karasayev emphasized that today scientists of the Institute of State History are making great strides in publishing articles on the country’s recent history in authoritative scientific publications of Europe.
“In order to popularise the history of Kazakhstan abroad, it is necessary to publish in scientific journals in English unprecedented tactics of war, such as the battle of Orbulak, the multi-vector diplomatic policy of Abylai Khan, the work of Elbasy Nursultan Nazarbayev for the years of independence at the world level. Such work is being actively carried out at the present time” he said.
Also, researchers of the Institute of History of the State proposed to include the information and scientific-practical journal “Kazakhstan archives” published by the National Archives of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the Higher Attestation Commission, expressing their readiness to provide comprehensive support from the Institute.
In turn, the director of the National Archives of the Republic of Kazakhstan Sagila Nurlanova thanked the scientists of the Institute of State History and expressed her readiness for further joint work.
“As you know, archival data is used in the work of both a historian and an archivist. If a professional archivist stores and transfers to future generations historically valuable documents, then historians strive to study written sources reflecting the history of the state. The main goal of these professions is to use documents to write the history of the country” S. Nurlanova noted.
In addition, the director familiarized the historians with the collections published according to the documents stored in the National Archives, handing over to all those present the recently published book “Aseleudin asyl murasy”.