The Republican State Institution “National Archive of the Republic of Kazakhstan” of the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan was established on the initiative of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. A. Nazarbayev, in accordance with the historic and fateful
protocol decision No. 01-8.15 of December 12, 2002 on including the building of the National Archive of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the List of objects to be built in Astana in 2003.

On July 19, 2006, the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan issued Resolution No. 692 “On the establishment of the state institution” National Archive of the Republic of Kazakhstan “of the Committee of Information and Archives of the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan”.

The grand opening of the National Archive of the Republic of Kazakhstan took place on December 14, 2006, on the eve of the celebration of the 15th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Main objectives of the National Archive of the Republic of Kazakhstan:

  • provision of replenishment, storage and use of archival documents on all types of media;
  • creation, accounting and storage of copies of documents of the State Insurance Fund;
  • creation and operation of a unified automated information system for archival affairs and documentation systems.

The main array of documents stored in the National Archive refers to the period of creation and formation of the Republic of Kazakhstan as an independent state. The information contained in the documents is unique in its richness and representativeness and is irreplaceable as a source for the history of the state and socio-economic structure, culture and history of the country. At the moment, all this information is reflected in 257 funds: 211-management documentation and 44-personal origin, 2-scientific and technical documentation.

Unique documents are collected and stored: the text of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, adopted at the IX session of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan of the XII convocation, January 28, 1993; the geographical map “Surat al-Ard”, made by the Arab scholar al-Idrisi (XII century); the General Development Plan of Astana; frontline letters of Muzafar Alimbayev to his friend M. G. Latypov and many others.

Funds of personal origin of prominent public, political and state figures of the Republic of Kazakhstan are of particular value: Myrzatai Zholdasbekov, Rysta Sariyeva, Absattar haji Derbisali, Maksut Narikbayev, Nurgoji Oraz, Nasrolla Mubashir at-Tarazi al-Huseyni, Akseleu Seidimbek, Kari Abitov, Kazbek Kazkenov, Koishygar Salgar.

The list of sources of acquisition of the National Archive of the Republic of Kazakhstan includes 256 organizations.

A special place in the activities of the National Archive of the Republic of Kazakhstan is occupied by the Expert Verification Commission( EPC), which at its meetings considers methodological and practical issues of examining the value of documents of departmental and private archives that are sources of acquisition of the National Archive of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The National Archive of the Republic of Kazakhstan carries out work to fulfill requests received from state and public organizations, individuals and legal entities, citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan and foreign countries.

The reading rooms of the National Archive of the Republic of Kazakhstan provide a solution to one of the most important functions of the archive-providing access to documents for use for research purposes. Along with the growing number of Kazakhstani researchers, representatives of scientific institutions from near and far abroad also work in the reading rooms.

The National Archive of the Republic of Kazakhstan periodically holds the following exhibitions of documents on anniversaries of the Republic of Kazakhstan. We also plan to hold conferences, seminars, round tables and meetings.

Moreover, the National Archive of the Republic of Kazakhstan has been a member of the Euro-Asian Regional Branch of the International Council of Archives (EURASICA ICA) since 2007. Close contacts have been established with archival institutions of the Russian Federation (Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Krasnogorsk); the Republic of Uzbekistan (Tashkent); the Republic of Armenia (Yerevan); the Republic of the Czech Republic (Prague); the Republic of Turkey (Ankara); the Islamic Republic of Iran (Tehran), the People’s Republic of China (Beijing), and the United Arab Emirates (Abu Dhabi).

The National Archive of the Republic of Kazakhstan is the only specialized building in the post-Soviet space equipped with high-tech archival equipment that meets international standards and requirements. The building is equipped with special systems: climate control, fire alarm, gas fire extinguishing, air conditioning, video surveillance, electronic bandwidth, etc.

Ensuring the eternal storage and use of documents, the National Archive of the Republic of Kazakhstan promotes the strengthening of civil society, the creation of the rule of law, the formation of democratic views, education of Kazakhstanis in the spirit of citizenship, patriotism, tolerance, and is also open for cooperation with all organizations and institutions as a historical, cultural, scientific and educational institution.

The National Archive of the Republic of Kazakhstan is an important link in the system of archival institutions of Kazakhstan, a scientific, informational, cultural and historical center of national significance.

Today, the National Archive of the Republic of Kazakhstan is a historically formed and constantly replenished fund of archival documents of historical, scientific, social, economic, political, cultural significance, which is an integral part of the historical and cultural heritage of the people of Kazakhstan, reflecting the material and spiritual life of society.

Coordinates of the National Archive
of the Republic of Kazakhstan
010000, Astana.
12 Nurzhol Boulevard
tel./fax: 8 (7172) 446280
Opening hours of the National Archive
of the Republic of Kazakhstan:
Monday – Friday – 09.00-18.00
break – 13.00 – 14.00
Saturday, Sunday – days off

© 2020 - 2021 National Archive of the Republic of Kazakhstan