The Department is guided in its work by the current regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Charter of the National Archive, orders and instructions of the Director of the Department of Archival Affairs and Documentation, the Director of the National Archive, oral and written orders of the management of the National Archive and this regulation.
The main tasks of the department are to maintain state records of documents of the National Archival Fund accepted for state storage in the National Archive of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

  • Keeping records of the State Insurance Fund copies of documents of the National Archival Fund.
  • Maintaining a scientific reference apparatus to the documents of the National Archival Fund.
  • Maintaining a unified electronic archive of documents of the National Archive. Prepare guidebooks, indexes and reviews on the collections of the National Archive.
  • Conducts and improves the NSA to the documents of the National Archival Fund.
  • Keeps records of audiovisual documents and improves the NSA for audiovisual documents.
  • Carries out the improvement of inventories.
  • Conducts systematic and other types of catalogues of the National Archive, catalogues documents.
  • Develops methodological recommendations and memos on issues within the competence of the department.

Head of the Department: Syzdykova G. A.
8 (7172) 44-62-81 (157)

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